
Saturday 20 July 2013

#SexySnippets Scars Trilogy #Book 2 #wakingthesenses

Welcome back to Sexy Snippets hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers, seven sentences shared from your work-in-progress or published work.

This week I've snipped from the second book in the Scars Trilogy which I started writing this week. It's still early days in this WIP so this is from chapter 1. I hope you enjoy it.


"Wake up, beauty," Benjamin's alert tone penetrated Selina's sleep.

She stirred slowly, her body weighed down, languid. The aroma of dark roasted coffee beans wafted around her, alerting her brain. She lifted her eyelids and smiled. Her husband stood half-naked in the middle of their master bedroom in a pair of dark chinos, his toned bare torso and arms a golden beacon drawing her waking desire.

She shifted, lifting herself into a sitting position, her brows pulled together in a frown. Something was wrong.


Leave me a comment. I love to read them. Remember to check out the other Sexy Snippets this week. 

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